Scientific Information, Archives and Heritage Department

The department's main missions are:
- Advising and assisting departments with the management of their documents (paper and electronic)
- Collecting administrative and scientific archives when they are no longer of immediate use to departments
- Classifying and organizing archive holdings
- Material conservation of archives
- Promoting and communicating the department's documents
- . archives
- Physical conservation of archives
- Valorization and communication of documents for Inalco's internal needs, as well as for the outside public
- Definition and implementation of Inalco's open science policy in close collaboration with the Dirved and the Vice-Presidency for Research
.Présidence à la recherche
- Accompaniment in the day-to-day management of documents and in the preparation of deposits
- Training and awareness-raising in archiving
- Taking charge of archival deposits
- . of archival deposits
- Elimination of archives whose legal retention period has expired
- Drafting of retention guidelines (management tables)
- Classification and detailed description of collections of notable historical or scientific interest
- Updating the status of the Institute's holdings
- Management of storage spaces and monitoring of physical conservation conditions
- Research and communication of archives
- Reception of the public for document consultation
- Digitization of scientific archives for dissemination on the internet
- Coordination of the scientific archive digitization program (D-SAAS)
- Participation in events (Journées du patrimoine, symposiums ...)
Open science
- Monitoring the national and international context
- Establishing collaborations and partnerships
- Representing Inalco at the HAL Partners Assembly and at the CPU Open Science Referents group
- Establishing official documents (charter, guides, roadmaps, etc..) in conjunction with the Inalco Presidency
- Actions to raise awareness and relay information
- Organization of a seminar with the Doctoral School
- Accompaniment of the D-PaRSAS
Status of holdings
Inalco's archives are made up of documents whose subject, form and medium are varied: correspondence, minutes of proceedings, study booklets, examination papers, personnel files, photographs, records, research materials, plans. The oldest fonds (1795-1945) were transferred to the Archives nationales in compliance with public archive regulations.
Archives institutionnelles
Archives nationales
- Inventory of the archives of the Ecole nationale des langues vivantes 1764/1944
- Detailed digital directory of the DRH archives
- Detailed directory of the Presidency archives 1871/2005
- Detailed directory of the DGS archives 1894/2003
- Detailed Directory plans and buildings of 2 and 4 rue de Lille 1886/1965
(fonds de la présidence, fonds du secrétariat général, fonds de la direction des études)
Private archives
Complementary sources
Archives from other institutions that also document the history of Inalco. A non-exhaustive list of these complementary sources is available[i1]