Training Coordination Department

The Training Coordination Department (SEFOR) is responsible for training engineering and for monitoring and developing the Institute's training offering. It participates in the development of a global training strategy (organization, evolution and valorization) and supports the Vice President in charge of training and the Vice President in charge of success and student life, to whom it reports, in their activities.
- is in charge of the secretariat of the Conseil de la Formation et de la Vie Étudiante (CFVE), as well as departmental councils, the Commission des Enseignements Transversaux (CTR) and the cellule de réflexion des pratiques pédagogiques (CRPP) which works in particular on L+;
- assures the management of admission to the licence bilangue (LLCER) ;
- participates in the development of curricula for national and institutional degrees, including distance learning, and provides technical support for the creation and engineering set-up of new training courses, notably as part of HCERES evaluation and accreditation campaigns and the Commissions d'examen et de validation des maquettes (CEVM) ;
- participates in the development of tools and indicators for monitoring and analyzing the range of courses on offer, in collaboration with the data management department and in consultation with departments and teaching staff, in order to provide tools (internal surveys and indicators) for analyzing courses and student success, and for assessing the need for additional hours ;
- supervises the administrative, financial and pedagogical coordination of the co-accredited training offer (co-accredited masters, MEEF masters with ESPE) in support of the teachers responsible for these courses ;
- develops clear, comprehensive standard brochures to provide teachers with harmonized, practical, coherent and reliable materials for disseminating quality information on the training offer (L, M and DE) to students;
- verifies the updating and coherence of brochures with the training offer and ensures their online distribution ;
- participates in discussions on the organization of courses and examinations (management of cross-disciplinary courses, reminders of procedures for drawing up timetables, monitoring of teaching, etc.) ;
- ensures the follow-up of requests for conferences in connection with bachelor's and master's courses ;
- elaborates and monitors partnership agreements in the field of training ;
- ensures the evolution of regulations in the field of Training and their application within the Institute.
The Training Coordination Department is made up of:
Department Manager: Agathe RUE
Deputy: Mohamed HAMMOUD
- Pôle Pilotage et valorisation de l'offre de Formation initiale:
Ingénierie des Formations - Maquettes, évaluation/accréditation HCERES, évolution de l'offre de formation: Aurélien LOPEZ
Training offer mapping, BDD formations: coming soon
Distance learning, partnership agreements: Sarah BEN HAMIDA
Valorization of training, documentation (depending on period): Intern
- Department and Training Support Unit:
Unit manager: Mohamed HAMMOUD
Administrative manager for the Commission des transversaux and AME-ARA-HEB departments: coming soon
Administrative manager for the AOI, ASEP, EISAT departments: Antoine VERSCHAVE
Administrative manager for the CHI, COR, JAP departments: Elsa CHOU
Administrative manager for the ECO, EUR, RUS departments: Fanny DHERON
The SEFOR works in close collaboration with:
- The Vice President Delegate for Training; President of the Training and Student Life Council (CFVE): Isabelle KONUMA
- The Deputy to the Vice President Delegate for Training: Stéphane ARGUILLERE
- The Vice President Delegate for Student Success and Life: Laurent MAHEUX
- Vice-President in charge of Digital: Yayoi NAKAMURA-DELLOYE
- Directors of bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, thematic and disciplinary pathways and departments
Support for departmentsCommission for transversals, thematic and disciplinary pathways | | | | | |
Distance learning | |