Translations - Association for translation at Inalco

The Translations association was created in 2016 within the establishment with the aim of producing and publishing original translations, promoting translation within the establishment through cultural and scientific events and, finally, organizing training courses and study seminars around translation in all its facets.
The association aims to encourage the emergence and success of translation projects led by Inalco students. It aims to provide a forum for exchanges and encounters, a place to learn, but also to benefit from advice, know-how and a network. It is a link between teachers and students, between native speakers of a language and those who are learning it, between experienced professional translators and students who aspire to become one.
Finally, we wish to encourage cooperation between the various departments of Inalco, convinced that projects around which passionate students and speakers of different languages come together can be fruitful.
Proposed activities
The association is publisher of the journal CAFÉ (Collecte Aléatoire de Fragments Étrangers). This carefully-crafted magazine, devoted to all the languages and literatures little represented in bookshops and in the French publishing field, aims to make other voices heard. The first issue, Futurs, featured short stories and poems from Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Available in some thirty bookshops in Paris, the regions and Belgium, the magazine is also present at various events and festivals devoted to literary translation... The second issue, on the theme of Silence, is currently in preparation.
The association has previously organized the Marathons de la Traduction (2017, 2018) and presented a collection of original texts on the occasion of International Women's Rights Day (2018).
In the future, the association hopes to publish individual and collective translations of works alongside the CAFÉ magazine.
Practical information
World Translation Day at Inalco: Saturday, September 26, 2020