Africa and Indian Ocean

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The Africa and Indian Ocean department groups together courses in the languages and civilizations of North and Saharan Africa, sub-Saharan Africa (West Africa and Central and East Africa) and Madagascar.
Statuettes utilisées pour le culte des jumeaux, Bénin
Statuettes utilisées pour le culte des jumeaux, Bénin © Iwaria Inc.‎

Languages taught

Amharicbambara (mandingo),chleuh (berber), comorian, fulani, hausakabyle (berber), malagasymandingosoninké (see mandingo) swahilituareg (berber), wolofyoruba



Please note:
Corrections on the History of Africa 1 and 2 courses: in ALL license brochures, on pages 14, 15, 21 and 27, there are changes to the course titles (for greater clarity). 
AOIA230b History of Africa 1 is replaced by AOIA230b History of Africa (L2): Geopolitical approach (J.-L. Martineau) 
AOIB330b History of Africa 2: Thematic approach is replaced by AOIB330b History of Africa (L3): Approche thématique (J.-L. Martineau)
All of M. Martineau's courses are given over 10 weeks, at a rate of 2h per week (=20h of classes per semester), except for one. Indeed, the L3 course "AOIB330b - Histoire de l'Afrique 2 : Approche thématique" is taught for 2h per week over 13 weeks (=26h per semester).

School diplomas
Passeport Langues O'

The Africa and Indian Ocean department offers introductory courses in nine of its languages: Amharic, Comorian, Hausa, Mandinka, Fulani, Soninke, Tigrinia, Wolof and Yoruba.
These courses, which last a total of 52 hours over two semesters, can be accessed by registering for the new format (Option 1: 6 ECTS, 184€ for the year) offered by Passeport Langues O'. These introductory courses can also be chosen by students already enrolled in a bachelor's degree program as a free EC of UE4 from L2.
Access the Passeport Langues O' page

Department administration

Directors: Nicolas AUBRY, Jean-Charles HILAIRE, Marianne MORANGE