CREE publications

The Centre de Recherche Europes-Eurasie is one of the few centers in Europe to combine long-term historical, topical and prospective research on an area as large as Medieval and Balkan Europe, Russia and Central Asia, covering distinct but complementary disciplinary fields: literature, arts, languages, history, society, geopolitics, economics, law, environment.

Finno-Ugric studies
Études finno-ougriennes is the only French-language periodical devoted to Finno-Ugric languages and the peoples who speak them. Founded in 1964 by Aurélien Sauvageot and Jean Gergely, the journal is published at the rate of one volume per year, each coordinated by the Association pour le développement des études finno-ougriennes (Adéfo), which brings together leading French researchers specializing in this field. It welcomes contributions from French and foreign specialists in all disciplines of interest to the Finno-Ugric field, extended even to the Uralic family and other ethnic groups or languages with more or less clear affinities with this family.
A multidisciplinary journal, Finno-Ugric Studies covers all areas of the humanities. In addition to linguistic studies, the journal publishes works relating to the history of peoples speaking Finno-Ugric languages, their institutions, their cultures, especially their literature and arts, and current events prompt studies on the situation of these peoples in a continent undergoing profound change. The articles are supplemented by chronicles and bibliographical information or analysis.

Created in 1978, the journal Slovo (word, parole or verb in Russian and other Slavic languages) publishes articles on the languages, literatures, cultures and civilizations of the peoples of the post-Soviet space (Slavic, Siberian, Finno-Ugric, Caucasian, Baltic or Central Asian), literatures, cultures and civilizations of the peoples of the post-Soviet space (Slavic, Siberian, Finno-Ugric, Caucasian, Baltic or Central Asian) and of Central and Balkan Europe. Both multi-area and transdisciplinary, Slovo covers most of the major disciplines in the humanities and social sciences: arts and literature (written and oral), linguistics, history and social sciences, ethnology and anthropology, politics and geopolitics, economics.

Cahiers Balkaniques
Les Cahiers Balkaniques is a biannual, multilingual, thematic, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the Balkan region. It brings together linguistic, literary, historical and geographical fields around transversal axes.
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Books and book chapters
Books and book chapters
Antoine Chalvin, Dictionnaire fondamental estonien-français, Tartu, Presses de l'Université de Tartu, 2023
Antoine Chalvin, Grammaire de l'estonien, Paris, L'Asiathèque, 2023
Daria Serenko, Les filles et les institutions, translated and edited by Sylvia Chassaing and Antoine Nicolle at Sampizdat Éditions and prefaced by Laura Poggioli
Adrien Nonjon, The Azov Regiment. A Ukrainian nationalism at war, Editions du Cerf, 2023
Taline Ter Minassian, On the chessboard of the Grand Game. Agents secrets et aventuriers (XIXe-XXIe siècles), Nouveau Monde éditions, 2023
Caroline Damiens, Fabricating Soviet Siberia on Screen. Une histoire filmique des peuples autochtones du Nord (preface by Birgit Beumers), published by Presses universitaires de Rennes, collection "PUR-Cinéma", 2023
Eric Le Bourhis, Irina Tcherneva (CNRS) and Vanessa Voisin (University of Bologna), Seeking Accountability for Nazi and War Crimes in East and Central Europe, edited by University of Rochester Press / Boydell & Brewer, collection "Rochester Studies in East and Central Europe", n°29, 2022
Taline Ter Minassian, Gorbatchev, collection "Biographies", éditions des PUF, 2022
Crime and Sexuality in Russian Culture
Catherine Géry
Paris, Honoré Champion, 2015
Non-Muslim Communities and State Control in the Late Ottoman Empire. Administrative Practice and Decision-Making within the Greek Orthodox Parishes of Istanbul
Méropi Anastassiadou
in Religious Communities and Modern Statehood. The Ottoman and post-Ottoman World at the Age of Nationalism and Colonialism, Michalis N. Michael, Tassos Anastassiadis, Chantal Verdeil (eds.), Berlin, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2015, p.131-146.
Une ambassade ottomane à la cour de Napoléon : l'expression du conservatisme
Faruk Bilici
in Recherches sur le monde ottoman, XVe-XIXe siècle (Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont, Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat and Michel Zink éd.), Actes du colloque organisé à l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, la Société asiatique et l'Institut national des Langues et Civilisations orientales les 10-11 décembre 2010, 2014, 310 p.
Alerte en Europe : La guerre dans les Balkans (1912-1913)
Catherine Durandin and Cécile Folschweiller (dir.)
L'Harmattan, 2014, 184 p.
Salonique après 2012. La construction d'une ville néohellénique
Méropi Anastassiadou
in Salonique, ville juive, ville ottomane, ville grecque, Esther Benbassa (dir.), Paris, CNRS Editions, 2014, p.95-116
French crusade projects against the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century
Faruk Bilici
in Géostratégie et diplomatie européenne du XIVe au XVIIe siècle (Jacques Paviot, dir.), Toulouse, Presses universitaires du Midi, 2014, pp. 315-343.
- China, an alternative to the European Union?
Anne de Tinguy
Russia in search of an identity, Revue Analyse Financière, n°55, April-May-June 2015, p.40-41
One year of crisis in Ukraine
Emmanuelle Armandon, Laure Delcour, Anne de Tinguy
Study conducted for the Strategic Affairs Delegation of the Ministry of Defense, December 2014, 51 p.