DU Passerelle

The DU Passerelle program is organized into a full-time first year that ensures student progression from B1 to B2 level in French, as well as training in university tools. The acquisition of French language skills (FLE) is divided between oral training (117 hours) and written French training (156 hours) for the year; other complementary courses in university methodology, cultural approaches, English and tutoring account for 156 hours. Students are free to choose a course in their mother tongue in UE 5. Students who have met various requirements (level of French, attendance) will be able to join one of Inalco's regional bachelor's degrees (LLCER 1) in the second year, if they so wish.
The second year is a year of partial support (quarter-time) in French (level B2 to level C1) and in university methodology. Students continue their French language training (FLE) with 195 hours of university French (written and oral). This opens up the possibility of specializing and graduating in one of the bachelor's degrees in languages and civilizations (LLCER) taught at Inalco, and/or applying in the second year of the bachelor's degree to one of our professionalizing courses (international business, intercultural communication, language didactics, international relations, multilingual digital processing).
Courses are intensive and require students to be available to attend.
Students are exempt from registration fees.
The campaign will be open from April 14 to June 1, 2025.
Cartography and description of DU Passerelle according to FLE levels through the MenS network.
Who is concerned? What are the opportunities?
- Target audience:refugee students or asylum seekers
- Academic level required: high school diploma (equivalent to baccalauréat)
- Level of French required: level B1 of the CECRL (with proof if possible)
- Level of English required: level A2 of the CEFR (with proof if possible)
If you don't know your level of French, you can try to achieve this online test.
If you don't know your English level, you can try taking this online test.
Note: there are other university programs accessible to refugees; information can be found on the Facebook group Studies in France for migrants and refugees.
How is the program organized ?
Course attendance is compulsory; there are an average of 15 hours of classes per week
- French FLE support block in the required level : oral comprehension and expression/written comprehension and expression, phonetics
- English
- Workshop around the French language; cultural approaches, writing workshop
- University methodology and system courses
- Computer workshops, CV, letters, orientation, professional insertion
- Course in native language
- Tutoring
- Cultural workshop (optional): Plurilingual choir or theater
To view the realization of the Inalc'ER choir during the 2020 confinement, click here.
To consult the possibilities to practice a sport at Inalco and/or in partnership with the University of Paris.
Other courses are available on application:
- Diplôme Universitaire Hospitalité, Médiations, Migrations (DU H2M) professionalizing over one year.
- BTS-type training (11 possible choices) at the Ecole Nationale de Commerce (ENC).
- Possibility of sandwich courses and internships.
L'Inalco is a partner member of the Réseau MEnS (Migrants in Higher Education) and of the Union des étudiants exilés with which we evolve for the good development of student life.
For students up to the age of 28 (refugee status, subsidiary protection): study grants and accommodation to be applied for from the CROUS.
For students in difficulty - up to the age of 35: annual specific assistance allowance.

Afghanistan emergency
As part of the Emergency Afghanistan action launched by the Inalco Foundation after the takeover of Kabul on August 15, 2021 and the seizure of power by the Taliban to fund emergency scholarships, Inalco's DU Passerelle welcomed two Afghan students from Kabul and an Afghan student from Herat, all three on Inalco Foundation scholarships. We wish them a warm welcome!
War in Ukraine
- Welcome booklet for displaced Ukrainians
- Information for exiled populations
- Ukrainian at Inalco
Contacts : - Sophie Hohmann (sophie.hohmann@inalco.fr), DU Passerelle Inalco manager
- Lucille Daudenthun (lucille.daudenthun@inalco.fr), DU Passerelle Inalco coordinator
- Véronique Camus (veronique.camus@inalco.fr), DU Passerelle Inalco pedagogical secretariat
Brochure DU Passerelle 2023-2024 (1.11 MB, .pdf)