Indian, South Asian and Tibetan Studies

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The Indian, South Asian and Tibetan Studies department (formerly South Asia Himalayas, ASUH) covers an area that encompasses the Tibet region and seven constituent states of South Asia: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the Maldives archipelago.
Une des portes de la cour Pitam Niwas Chowk, City Palace de Jaipur, Inde
Une des portes de la cour Pitam Niwas Chowk, City Palace de Jaipur, Inde © mbpikoso /‎

Languages taught

Among the many languages spoken over this vast geographical area, ten are taught in the department:  Bengali, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, Rromani, Sanskrit, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu and Tibetan.

NB: Pashto is taught in the Eurasia department.

Langues d'Asie du Sud Asie-du-Sud
Langues-ASU © / Asie-du-Sud-513x319-t‎

The courses on offer

Learning the main languages is accompanied by basic training in the history, geography, societies, religions, economy and institutions of the countries concerned.
The department also offers specialized courses in ancient history, art history, modern and contemporary history, international relations, social and religious anthropology (Hinduism and Islam), certain regional cultures, the history of literature and the linguistics of ancient and modern Indian languages, and cinema.

  • Licenses of Foreign Language Literature and Civilization (LLCER) in Bengali, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, Rromani, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu and Tibetan.
  • Licenses bilangues : two languages to choose from among the languages taught by the department
    Access the licenses page
    Access the licenses brochures page
School diplomas
  • Diplomas of Language and Civilization (DLC) in Bengali, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, Rromani, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu and Tibetan.
  • Diplomas of Language (DL) in Bengali, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, Rromani, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu and Tibetan.
  • Indian, South Asian and Tibetan Studies Diploma of Civilization (DC)
    Access the School diplomas page
    Access the School diplomas brochures page
Introductory courses

The Indian, South Asian and Tibetan Studies department offers introductory courses in : Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Tibetan.
These courses, which last a total of 52 hours over two semesters, can be accessed by registering for the Passeport Langues O'. These introductory courses can also be chosen as a minor or, by students already enrolled in a bachelor's degree program, as a free CE in UE4 from L2 onwards.
Access the Passeport Langues O' page

Sanskrit : courses offered in language 2 as part of a licence bilangue with the languages taught in the department (refer to the brochure for the chosen language).

The department's administration

Director: Anne Viguier
Deputy Director: Harit Joshi
Deputy Director: Françoise Robin

Find the Indian, South Asian and Tibetan Studies department on its Facebook page.