Korean Studies

Language taught
- Licenses in Langue Littérature et Civilisation Etrangères (LLCER) in korean
Access the page for licenses
Access the licenses brochures page
- Master in Langue Littérature et Civilisation Etrangères (LLCER) in korean
- Master 2 professional track "Teaching Korean"
This professional track aims to train teachers of Korean as a foreign language. It enables students to deepen their mastery of the Korean language and culture, learn about language didactics and specialize in teaching Korean as a foreign language. Students validate their Master's degree by completing a professional internship in a school providing Korean language teaching.
For more information, consult the dedicated section in the Korean LLCER Master's brochure and contact the head of the program, Mr. Kang Shin-Tae
Access the Master's page
Access the masters brochures page
Preparing for the 2023-2024 school year
Korean textbooks
Korean textbooks
All students enrolled in the Korean LLCER degree program at Inalco must purchase their own language course textbooks.
In particular, new students in L1 must acquire the following textbooks, published by Kyunghee University:
- Reading comprehension (compulsory): Get it Korean Reading 1 and 2
- Writing (compulsory): Get it Korean Writing 1 and 2
- Speaking (compulsory): Get it Korean Speaking 1 and 2
- Grammar (optional): Get it Korean Grammar 1 and 2
These textbooks can be purchased either online or in specialist bookshops, for example the Phénix bookshop, which offers a 5% discount or the option of paying with the culture pass (cannot be combined with the 5% discount).
Parcoursup applicants: no gap year before L1
Parcoursup applicants: no gap year before L1
For the attention of Parcoursup applicants:
Please note that Inalco's Korean Studies department does not accept gap years at the start of the curriculum.
It is possible to take a gap year between two years of the bachelor's degree, but not before L1.
We would like to remind you that Inalco's LLCER Korean bachelor's degree is a selective course that is subject to ever-increasing numbers of applications. Currently, the L1 admission rate is around 8% (approximately 1800 applications for 150 places each year).
The main selection criteria remain French, history-geography and philosophy grades.
Thank you for your understanding.
Prerequisites and compulsory pre-entry course
Prerequisites and compulsory pre-entry course
1. Prerequisite hangeul:
From the 2023-2024 academic year, the prerequisite for all new L1 students is mastery of the Korean alphabethangeul 한글.
2. Pre-entry internship:
The Korean Studies Department provides a language internship during the pre-entry period that helps assimilate the grammar points essential to the written comprehension and production of simple sentences. Attending this language course is compulsory for all new L1 students.
3. Level test:
New students with a good level of Korean have the opportunity to take a level test in order to obtain a validation of prior learning. This test only concerns language courses, not civilization courses. The test is organized by the Korean Studies Department during the pre-entry period. It is imperative to register for the placement test in advance with the secretariat of the Korean Studies Department. Late applications cannot be processed.
4. Other information:
Students should also take note of all the information put online in the brochure that corresponds to the course being taken, and keep informed of any updates on the department page.
Department teachers
Department administration
Director: Chloé PABERZ
Assistant director: Yejin CHA