The Inalco Multilingual Short Story Competition 2024 announces its winners

21 May 2024

Campus life

Once again this year, French-speaking students from all over the world, from Japan to the Congo, brilliantly rose to the challenge of bringing languages into dialogue while exploring the "Animal Languages" theme chosen by the jury for this fourth edition of the competition.
Lauréats du Concours Inalco de la nouvelle plurilingue 2024
Lauréats du Concours Inalco de la nouvelle plurilingue 2024, de gauche à droite : Sandrine Merlin (1er prix), Samuel Rubeo (2e prix), Hélène Roux (3e prix) © Sonia Leconte / Inalco‎
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Le palmarès 2024

Four grand prizes were awarded:

  • 1st prize: Ariel and Matok, Sandrine Merlin - culture voucher worth €500
  • 2nd prize: Elza Formicae, Samuel Rubeo - culture voucher worth €200
  • 3rd prize: Ces mots emplumés, Hélène Roux - culture voucher worth €100
  • InCIAM "digital writing" special prize: Voix nomades, empreintes animales, Adnan Boudjelal - culture check in the amount of €400
Montage composé d'une photo d'Adnan Boudjelal et de deux captures de sa nouvelle numérique "Voix nomades, empreintes animales"
Adnan Boudjelal, lauréat du prix spécial InCIAM "écriture numérique" pour sa nouvelle "Voix nomades, empreintes animales" © DR‎

Special Jury Mention: Les lettres isolés, Mohamed Touenti
Coup de cœur prix InCIAM: Le monde des communicateurs non humains, Brandon Russo

Nine winners will be invited to take part in a writing workshop and have their short stories published in the collective work Langues animales, to be published in 2025 by Tangentielles:

  • Ariel and Matok, Sandrine Merlin
  • Elza Formicae, Samuel Rubeo
  • Ces mots emplumés, Hélène Roux
  • Les lettres isolées, Mohamed Touenti
  • 52 Hzt, Beatrice Riveron
  • D'autres voix que la tienne, Diane Coutelier
  • Mathilde, Tatiana Besser
  • Le chien rouge, Paul Belleville
  • Parole sauvage, Clémence Delhaye

Winners honored at awards ceremony

The winners were unveiled at the awards ceremony on May 16, 2024, in the presence of the winning students and the competition's godmother: French-Bulgarian writer Elitza Gueorguieva. During a round-table discussion, the young authors had the opportunity to talk with the members of the jury: Marielle Anselmo (Inalco), Elitza Gueorguieva (competition godmother) and Isabelle Cros (Aix-Marseille Université, President of the jury).

The first three prizewinners, in association with actress Pauline Darcel, presented a reading-performance of excerpts from their short stories. The event concluded with a participatory multilingual writing experience with the audience hosted by Florian Targa.

View the replay of the awards ceremony.

Ecole Estienne joins the competition for the second year

Editions Tangentielles have partnered with the "Graphic Design and Typography" course at the École supérieure des arts et industries graphiques (École Estienne). The students proposed four creative editorial layout projects for the publication of the 2023 collection, Langues en germe. The winning project will be published in July 2025, downloadable free of charge as a PDF and available for sale in paper format on the Tangentielles Editions website.

Edition 2025: Langues en folies

The awards ceremony was also an opportunity to launch the fifth edition of the competition and unveil its theme, entitled "Langues en folies". The godmother of this edition will be the Franco-Iranian writer Maryam Madjidi (Goncourt prize for first novel 2017).

Participants will have until March 2025 to submit their short story online.
Rules and terms of participation are forthcoming.

Two options are available for entries:

  • Individual short story in classic text format: a short story written in French but involving at least one language or variety other than standard French.
  • Possibly collective digital work (InCIAM Special Prize "Digital Writing"): for digital plurilingual texts, playing on the multimodality offered by technological media to write between languages.