Running for office

The various ballots
Uninominal voting = one person is nominated and elected
For example, if we have 3 seats: we'll elect 3 people. This means that the voter must choose one of several candidates. The number of votes obtained by each candidate is then counted. Whoever gets the most votes wins the election.
List voting = a list of people is presented and elected
For example, if we have 5 seats: we'll elect lists of 5 titular members and 5 substitutes (who replace the titular members when they can't be present). At Inalco, the voting system is based on proportional representation with the highest average number of votes, with no mixture. This means that vacant seats are distributed between the different lists in proportion to the number of votes they have obtained. The term "without panachage" simply means that the lists are not mixed or modified. Lists may be incomplete, but must include a number of candidates equal to at least half of the vacant seats. Since the law of July 22, 2013, each list of candidates must be made up alternately of one candidate of each sex.
Multi-member ballot = one runs individually and elects several people on the same ballot
Each candidate runs individually and voters can vote for a single candidate or several.
The candidates with the most votes are elected.
The voter can vote for as many candidates as there are seats to be filled.
For example, if there are three seats to be filled: the voter may vote for three, two or one candidate(s).
The different types of student elections
Department councils, streams and CFMs :
- Language and areal training departments: list ballot.
- Métiers de l'international department, Métiers des langues, de la communication et de l'interculturel department and Masters mentions LLCER, Science du langage, Traitement automatique des langues and Didactique des langues: first-past-the-post ballot.
Board of Directors:
- College of 1st-year undergraduate students: 2-ballot first-past-the-post system.
- College of doctoral students: 2-ballot first-past-the-post system.
Scientific Council
- College of doctoral students: list ballot.
Doctoral School Council
- 2-ballot first-past-the-post ballot.
Conseil des formations et de la vie étudiante (CFVE)
- Plurinominal majority vote in 1 round.
Candidacy submission
Students must fill in the corresponding forms.
- Single-member ballot: individual candidacy
- Multi-member ballot: individual candidacy
- List ballot: individual candidacy of each candidate (holders and substitutes) + list candidacy.
Each candidate must submit a list comprising as many names as there are seats to be filled (holders and substitutes). The list may be incomplete, but it must include a number of candidates at least equal to the number of incumbents. This declaration must be accompanied by a copy of an identity document: student card or other proof of identity. Lists will be submitted by the list representative (name of the first person on the list).
Step 1. Collect list and individual candidacy forms:
Either from office 4.41 of the General Services Department
Or on these pages:
Step 2. Files should be submitted physically to the elections office: office 4.41 at the Pôle des Langues et Civilisation
Or by post: Inalco, office 4.41 - Affaires juridiques - 65, rue des Grands Moulins - 75013 Paris
Guide du candidat aux élections étudiantes 2024 (1.08 MB, .pdf)