On video

Interviews with Inalco Foundation project leaders: the mission of the Inalco Foundation is to promote the development of Inalco through the support of academic and strategic projects. In this section, you'll find interviews with project leaders supported by the Inalco Foundation.

Frédéric Wang, sponsor of the Confucianism in the Context of Globalization 2021-2022

What are the new challenges facing Confucianism in the context of globalization? How is it practiced in China today and elsewhere? To what extent are new approaches useful in tackling it?
These are the main questions to which the cycle of conferences on Confucianism, funded by the Eurasia Foundation (from Asia) and carried out by the Inalco Foundation in partnership with the UMR IFRAE, attempts to provide some answers. Conducted by specialists working in interdisciplinary perspectives on the various aspects of Confucianism, the lectures are open to the public and in particular to students and researchers working on the history of thought and religions in East Asia.

This cycle of fourteen lectures on Confucianism is led by Professor Frédéric Wang and takes place entirely at Inalco's Maison de la Recherche between September 2021 and May 2022.

Zhe Ji, Inalco-Sheng Yen Chairholder

The Inalco - Sheng Yen Professorial Chair held by the Sheng Yen Education Foundation (Taiwan) in partnership with the Inalco Foundation aims to develop research and teaching expertise on Buddhism in the modern and contemporary Chinese world. It is intended to foster the high-level scientific work of Zhe Ji, University Professor at Inalco, on current developments in Buddhism, which has been a foundation of Chinese society and culture for two thousand years.

The Inalco-Sheng Yen professorship supported by the Sheng Yen Education Foundation (Taiwan), in partnership with the Inalco Foundation, aims to develop research and teaching expertise on Buddhism in the modern and contemporary Chinese world. It is intended to foster the high-level scientific work of Zhe Ji, University Professor at Inalco, on current developments in Buddhism, which has been a foundation of Chinese society and culture for two thousand years.
